This page is a guide designed to discuss the in-game environment and how you should best go about surviving within it. It is constantly updated and added to so be sure to check back regularly for more interesting tips and tricks.
It's vast, unforgiving and roughly 5x5km squared. Covering the map on foot from corner to corner is certainly no easy task. In your travels you may encounter lush fields of grass, dirt trails leading to abandoned campsites and even some remaining
small towns and military outposts if you venture far into the north. When you start a new game you will wake up inside a HAB module in the Chimera dropzone which is located in the southern most section of the map spanning from the far east to the far west. From here it is
recommended you make your way to the nearest path and follow it until you reach a point of interest where you can find a few starting items along with whatever you get from your HAB module if anything at all. Beware of hostile wildlife at all times during your travels,
especially when moving on foot.
Remember, you can open your map/player screen at any time (so long as you have no other menus open) by pressing the 'M' key. Provided you have found a map, it will display in the top left of this screen. In order to get a more detailed
view showing your position and direction facing on the map, you will need to find a GPS. This will prove vital in your survival particularly whilst you are unfamiliar with your surroundings. When you start the game for the first time you will spawn in at 6:00 AM giving you an entire days worth of sunlight to get started with your survival. It is recommended that you find a suitable location to bunker down in for the night as
travelling during night hours will be extremely difficult and dangerous due to the lack of light and higher number of potential threats being present including the rather menacing mutants that stalk the lands in the dark.
Once you have found a spot to rest at for the night, you should make a mental note of it based on your location on the map so you can return to it and avoid getting lost at sundown trying to find your way back in the dark (not ideal). However if you
do plan on travelling at night you should set out to find yourself a flashlight first, preferably along with a weapon to defend yourself with. The more powerful the better.
That pretty much covers the basics of navigating around Chimera and survival at its most basic. I wish you the best of luck in your travels survivor.
Copyright © 2020 Danstarr13