Welcome survivor, all the latest information regarding The Parallax Effect can be found here. NOW ON STEAM Now open to donations!
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FOLLOW DEVELOPMENT I frequently update my social media accounts below with important game news.
The best player from the past week will be shown below. This is calculated based on weekly performance, not on overall scores. SURVIVOR OF THE WEEK
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Wanna get your name below? Just keep surviving. If you're good enough, you'll appear below. TOP SURVIVORS
1st thorlovesyou (612674) 2nd Lalala_Bob (142506) 3rd JohnnyT (57472) 4th MikasaDude (56763) 5th Noru (20526) 6th getrdone (7448) 7th Danstarr13 (1600) 8th LoneWolfe867 (1428) 9th DerMurukVonManjur (688) 10th TopFuel (540)
UPDATE NEWS v2.0 Alpha Available now
Greetings survivors, It's safe to say it's been a long time since Parallax has received any updates. I'm glad to say that after some successful testing of v2.0 I will be releasing the largest update the game has seen since launch today. I won't go into any details here simply because listing every single change from the previous version of the game would literally be a 3000 word essay and nobody wants to read that. If you're a veteran who's been around since the game's launch back in 2018 and you're returning for the first time in a while, the game has changed a lot. For those who are just finding the game now I hope you like what you see. The new map is significantly smaller than the previous one however it's packed with much more to see. Water has been removed from the map entirely and Chimera now exists as a mountainous forested region. Red Shield has been relocated and now provides a secluded safe zone during the night from all monsters. Vehicles are also back in the game and are completely different from the old ones. That's all I'll reveal here, you'll have to try it for yourself to see all the new changes. I hope you enjoy the update! And as always, thanks for playing ;)
USER REGISTRATION By registering an account with the site you can not only show your support for me as an indie dev but also gain special membership perks such as the ability to track survival statistics and collect cosmetic skins for in-game items! To register now, just click the login/register button in the top right of your screen! NEWEST SURVIVORS
diggafickdich EdisonHabibiALLAHAKBAR Praveen_vasco MrBORMENTAL ApolloSH
THE DEV Hey everyone, you probably don't know who I am so here you go. I go by the screen name of Danstarr13, I'm 21 years old and I live in Australia. I started getting into game design in 2014 and am the sole developer for my game "The Parallax Effect" (in other words I'm an indie dev). I've made this website to showcase how it looks so far and what is currently being done in terms of development (bearing in mind the game is in the very early stages of alpha). Feel free to have a look around and check everything out (there's lots to see). The game is now downloadable on Steam for Windows and I hope to have a Mac version available soon. Anyway, thanks for visiting my website, and be sure to share it to anyone you know who might be interested to help spread the word, I'd really appreciate it! POWERED BY UNREAL The Parallax Effect was chosen to be developed using Unreal Engine 4. It has proven to be an excellent choice for the game and should hopefully continue to be. So far development is looking great! At the moment you can expect fortnightly updates following the major v2.0 release. Keep checking the website for frequent development updates and news that I will post above as often as possible. The latest development blog is always on the front page of the site (this page) right up the top! Copyright © 2020 Danstarr13